Conquer Prokrastination

up:: Productivity

How to overcome prokrastination

TL;DR: Manage emotions, build momentum, prioritize planning

  1. Prokrastrination comes when your negative thinking overcomes positive thinking.
  2. You can write down every negative thought that you have, then go back to your work.
  3. If you feel boredom, don't escape into social media. Embrace that feeling instead - sit in front of the wall and stare at it. Doing this repeatedly will force your mind to accept doing boring things and over time you'll prokrastinate less.
  4. If you can't start something - reduce your big task to small pieces that can take up to two minutes. This will lower friction and make task less heavy. If you start doing your task, motivation will come.
  5. If you don't have plans - you plan to prokrastinate.
  6. Instead of focusing on a final result, focus on process. Find enjoyment in doing what you supposed to do.
  7. Think about the habit you'll have, not result of your action.
  8. Plan today 3 most important tasks for tomorrow, preferrably during a lunch time. Then put a star by the task, which must be done tomorrow.
  9. Spend first hour of your day on doing most important thing planned for this day.
Never allow yourself to have two day break - this will break your streak and start prokrastination habit.

Based on Cajun Koi Academy video - I read 100 procrastination books to learn these 3 lessons...