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Power Automate Expressions How To: setProperty
How to Add/ Remove property from a JSON object dynamically using Power Automate - Debajit's Power Apps & Dynamics 365 Blog
In order to add new property to JSON, you can use SetProperty()
A property also can be nested inside of existing JSON object:
addProperty(json('{ "Address": { "City": "Milpitas", "State": "CA" } }')['Address'], 'ZipCode', '750321')
If there is a need of adding an object to JSON, you can parse multiple JSON files and then combine results.
This works:
// Parse_JSON
"Condition": "Good"
// Parse_JSON_-_Status_array
"Status": "Doing"
{"Status": "Done"
// final input
addProperty(body('Parse_JSON'), 'Status', body('Parse_JSON_-_Status_array')[0])
addProperty(json('{ "Address": { "City": "Milpitas", "State": "CA" } }')['Location'], 'Country', 'USA')
But this one does:
addProperty(json('{ "Address": { "City": "Milpitas", "State": "CA" } }'), 'Location', json('{"Country": "USA"}'))
And outputs:
"Address": {
"City": "Milpitas",
"State": "CA"
"Location": {
"Country": "USA"