up:: CSharp
Making async code run faster in C# - YouTube
If you need to run multiple async tasks simultaneously, try to assign them to variables and then use WhenAll()
var _firstItemsTask = GetFirstItems(httpclient);
var _secondItemsTask = GetSecondItems(httpclient);
await Task.WhenAll(_firstItemsTask, _secondItemsTask);
var _firstItems = await _firstItemsTask;
var _secondItems = await _secondItemsTask;
This solution will provide only the first occured error unless you create an extension:
public class TaskExt
public static async Task<IEnumerable<T>> WhenAll<T>(params Task<T>[] tasks)
var allTasks = Task.WhenAll(tasks);
return await allTasks;
catch (Exception)
throw allTasks.Exception ?? throw new Exception("In case a try catch didn't work")
Then you can use insstead:
await TaskExt.WhenAll(_firstItemsTask, _secondItemsTask);
It will provide a list of all errors.