Changes In EF7

up:: CSharp


If you need to delete a record from the SQL DB using EF7 and get optimized result like:

WHERE [Id] = @p0;

You can use this syntax:

app.MapPut("delete", async (Guid id)=>
	await db.Users
	.Where(u => u.Id == id)

This method doesn't need SaveChangesAsync().

Bulk Update

It is also possible to update multiple records without downloading them before:

UPDATE [Users]
SET [Generations] = @p0
WHERE [BirthDate] > @p1
app.MapPut("update", async (AppDbContext db)=>
	await db.Users
	.Where(u => u.BirthDate > new DateTime(1980, 12, 13))
	s => s.SetProperty(c => c.Generations => "Gen X")